We Specialize in Big Data and Computationally intensive Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Systems Biology and work with our clients towards discovery driven Analytics.
We specialise in understanding the Genome, work with whole genome and exome sequencing and have extensive experience working with Next Generation Sequencing and SNP microarrays. Our Bioinformatics team has been constantly working on innovative techniques to mine the Genomics data and derive information from multiple large genomics datasets.
Bioinformatics analysis of Multi OMICS Data Analysis & Integration
Large studies are commonly using multiple Omics dataset to develop the systems level understanding. Our Bioinformatics team specialize in working with Multi-OMICS and Clinical informatics to develop Biologically Relevant Informatics and Networks.
Next Generation Sequencing Workflows
Our Bioinformatics team have developed Advanced Workflows for explorative applications for Next Generation Sequencing. We use these workflows to quickly and accurately process your data. We leverage the power of our Private and Public Cloud to scale up the analysis. The workflows are compatible to work on SEQOME Workbench and can be automated for large cohorts.
Patterns in Biology
Needle in the Haystack
Quiet often the OMICS experiment ends in a chase of the single molecule/SNP among the billions. The task is complicated due to large number of variations with non-significant biological and clinical implications. Our advanced analytics employs novel Bioinformatics technologies to scan each and every variation and differences and risk accesses the variation to multiple parameters. We also use combinations of such variations to develop clinically relevant models.